Grow With Jen
What I Am Reading Now

I am an avid reader. I realize how important it is to stay on top of trends as a consultant, but also to understand the deeper dynamics of business. While business books (at face value) aren't as fun as my go to (chick lit!), I do find that once I get into a book, I can hardly put it down.

In attending my MBA program, I have gotten into the habit of buying (and reading!) the books that the professors recommend, even if they aren't required for the class. They not only deepen my understanding of the subject matter, but I find that the concepts I learn not only help me in my business, but also the businesses of the clients I work with.

So I wanted to start sharing my business book list, to give you an idea of what I am currently reading, or what is on my list next.

Below are my current business books, with a little background and a link to the books on Amazon. They are affiliate links, but it doesn't raise the cost if you purchase them through my links.

By Alexander Osterwalder

The authors of the international bestseller Business Model Generation explain how to create value propositions customers can't resist

Value Proposition Design helps you tackle a core challenge of every business — creating compelling products and services customers want to buy. This practical book, paired with its online companion, will teach you the processes and tools you need to succeed.

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By Bharat Anand

"My favorite book of the year."—Doug McMillon, CEO, Wal-Mart Stores

Harvard Business School Professor of Strategy Bharat Anand presents an incisive new approach to digital transformation that favors fostering connectivity over focusing exclusively on content.


Companies everywhere face two major challenges today: getting noticed and getting paid. To confront these obstacles, Bharat Anand examines a range of businesses around the world, from The New York Times to The Economist, from Chinese Internet giant Tencent to Scandinavian digital trailblazer Schibsted, and from talent management to the future of education. Drawing on these stories and on the latest research in economics, strategy, and marketing, this refreshingly engaging book reveals important lessons, smashes celebrated myths, and reorients strategy.

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By Annette Simmons

The right story told at the right time has the power to persuade, promote empathy, and provoke action. Even more, a story explains who you are, what you want, and why it matters--better than any other communication tool in your arsenal. In Whoever Tells the Best Story Wins, author and vibrant keynote speaker Annette Simmons teaches you how to narrate personal experiences as well as borrowed stories in a way that demonstrates authenticity, builds emotional connections, inspires perseverance, and stimulates the imagination. Whether you are leading a presentation, in a department meeting, or having lunch with a potential customer, you will learn how to relate a compelling story to the topic at hand and make an invaluable impact that could not be made otherwise. Fully updated and more practical than ever, the second edition reveals how to use storytelling to: • Capture attention• Motivate listeners• Gain trust• Strengthen your argument• Sway decisions• Demonstrate authenticity and encourage transparency • And more Complete with a proven storytelling process and techniques, innovative applications, examples, and a new appendix on teaching storytelling, Whoever Tells the Best Story Wins hands you the tools you need to form a well-founded and persuasive story for any situation that just might be the difference maker you were looking for.

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By Bill Murphy Jr.

From Publisher's Weekly:

"Writing with business journalist Murphy, entrepreneurship expert and UC-Berkeley professor Burgstone offers a strong, comprehensive handbook for aspiring entrepreneurs who are seized with the fire of ambition but unsure where to begin. The authors detail a step-by step framework for readers to brainstorm a winning business idea, test it before they've committed too much time and money, and develop it into something great. Using examples of companies large and small (Zipcar, Parenting, Wal-Mart, Google), Burgstone and Murphy teach readers to find and fill an unmet customer need, plan for profitability, strive for sustainability, establish credibility, gather necessary resources, lead and manage effectively, and maintain balance. Their enthusiasm and energy make even complex questions about idea generation, customer acquisition, and leadership accessible; and the practical, easy to understand instruction will be invaluable to the budding entrepreneur."

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By Ray Edwards

This book is for everyone who needs to write copy that sells – including copywriters, freelancers, and entrepreneurs. Writing copy that sells without seeming "salesy" can be tough, but is an essential skill. How To Write Copy That Sells supplies specific copywriting techniques for everything from email marketing, web sites, and social media, to traditional media ads and direct mail.

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By Susan Benjamin

Perfect Phrases for the Right Situation, Every Time

Whether it's hiring employees or creating teams, the Perfect Phrases series has the tools for precise, effective communication in any situation. With Perfect Phrases books, you have all the phrases you need to get things done, right at your fingertips!

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